Payment Status API Documentation


Endpoint: Fetch Payment Status

Endpoint URL:


Method: POST


Request Body:

The request must be sent in JSON format with the following parameters:

api_keyStringYesAPI key for authentication.
customer_transaction_idStringYesUnique ID associated with the customer transaction.

Sample Request Body:

    "api_key": "apiKey66a33e22470a2",
    "customer_transaction_id": "7192692104996"


The response will be returned in JSON format.

messageStringStatus message of the response.
successBooleanIndicates whether the request was successful.
dataObjectContains the transaction details if successful.
data.idIntegerUnique ID of the transaction.
data.uuidStringUUID for the transaction.
data.merchant_user_idIntegerID of the merchant user.
data.currency_idIntegerCurrency ID used in the transaction.
data.get_way_idIntegerID of the gateway used for the payment.
data.hash_tokenStringHash token for the transaction.
data.typeStringType of transaction (e.g., collection).
data.customer_transaction_idStringCustomer transaction ID.
data.transaction_idStringSystem-generated transaction ID.
data.ref_transaction_idStringReference transaction ID (if any).
data.x_reference_idStringExternal reference ID (if any).
data.order_idStringOrder ID related to the transaction.
data.currency_codeStringCurrency code (e.g., EUR).
data.country_idIntegerCountry ID.
data.amountFloatAmount of the transaction.
data.initiate_amountFloatInitial amount (if any).
data.usd_equivalenceFloatUSD equivalent of the transaction amount.
data.local_currency_equivalentFloatEquivalent amount in local currency.
data.freemium_amountFloatAmount from freemium services.
data.fee_amountFloatFee applied for the transaction.
data.transaction_dateStringDate of the transaction (YYYY-MM-DD).
data.phone_numberStringPhone number involved (if any).
data.local_currencyStringLocal currency used (e.g., EUR).
data.from_addressStringAddress of the sender (if applicable).
data.to_addressStringAddress of the recipient.
data.transaction_datetime_utcStringUTC datetime of the transaction.
data.payment_methodStringPayment method used (e.g., Card, MoonPay).
data.pay_tokenStringPayment token (if applicable).
data.transaction_yearStringYear of the transaction.
data.statusStringStatus of the transaction (e.g., pending).
data.crypt_network_codeStringCryptocurrency network code (if any).
data.cryto_hash_idStringCrypto hash ID (if applicable).
data.hash_id_crypto_valueStringValue of the crypto hash ID.
data.block_chain_asset_api_balanceStringBlockchain API balance.
data.block_chain_usd_equivalentFloatUSD equivalent of the blockchain asset.
data.net_amountFloatNet amount after fees.

Sample Success Response:

    "message": "Transaction details fetch successfully.",
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 10,
        "uuid": "34e0ca01-cb63-44b8-830b-fbceb41173e4",
        "merchant_user_id": 5,
        "currency_id": 83,
        "get_way_id": 6,
        "hash_token": "444b845ba6d58c179756ccc3b4ecd39b6734cbf6ba0d52dbd78e3418d6512f15",
        "type": "collection",
        "customer_transaction_id": "7192692104996",
        "transaction_id": "txn9865549474849",
        "ref_transaction_id": null,
        "x_reference_id": null,
        "order_id": null,
        "currency_code": "EUR",
        "country_id": 82,
        "amount": 59.58,
        "initiate_amount": 0,
        "usd_equivalence": 54.6,
        "local_currency_equivalent": 50,
        "freemium_amount": 37,
        "fee_amount": 9.58,
        "transaction_date": "2024-08-09",
        "phone_number": null,
        "local_currency": "EUR",
        "from_address": "null",
        "to_address": "bchtest:qrn45hfjpqd0w5p7dur5a2aasgp3nj8d8qh4exym5k",
        "transaction_datetime_utc": "2024-08-09 14:08:49",
        "payment_method": "Card(MoonPay)",
        "pay_token": null,
        "transaction_year": "2024",
        "status": "pending",
        "crypt_network_code": null,
        "cryto_hash_id": null,
        "hash_id_crypto_value": null,
        "block_chain_asset_api_balance": null,
        "block_chain_usd_equivalent": null,
        "net_amount": 0

Error Handling:

If the request body or required fields are not provided or are invalid, the following responses may be returned:

If api_key is missing or invalid:

    "message": "The selected api key is invalid. field is required.",
    "success": false,
    "data": []

If customer_transaction_id is missing or invalid:

    "message": "The selected customer transaction id is invalid. field is required.",
    "success": false,
    "data": []


  • Ensure that the api_key is valid and authorized for access.
  • The customer_transaction_id should be unique and already associated with an existing transaction.

Error Responses:

  • 400 Bad Request: If required parameters are missing or invalid.
  • 401 Unauthorized: If the API key is invalid or not provided.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: If there is an issue with the server processing the request.